1. Determine the type and amount of contamination by laboratory analysis. The primary information needed is the TPH (Total
Parts Hydrocarbon). A profile of the contaminated area should be made to ascertain the actual depth of the contamination. The
procedure which follows is for contamination which is less than three feet in depth and with contamination levels less than 10,000
ppm. This is considered surface contamination. For treatment of soil which is contaminated to a depth greater than three feet or
with concentrations greater than 10,000 ppm, please consult with your sales representative.
2. Check the pH of the soil to make sure it falls within the acceptable range of 4 to 11 for the survival of the Microbes. If the pH falls
outside this range you will have to pre-treat the soil to bring the pH into the desired range.
3. Mix the biocatalyst solution with the Microbes and allow to sit for 24 hours. In an emergency situation, you may use the solution
after only two hours.
4. If the soil is to be treated in place, then plow or till the soil to a depth of approximately 6 inches. This will break any crust which
has formed and allow the solution to quickly penetrate the contaminated area. If the soil is to be moved to another area for
treatment, then spread the soil over a layer of plastic, to a depth of no more than 18 inches.
5. Spray The ULTIMATE Eaters® mixture on the soil at an approximate rate of 1/3 gallon per square yard.
6. Apply water to the treated area until the soil has reached a water saturation of 30% to 60%. Do not allow soil to dry for entire 28
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 on the third day and on the tenth day.
8. A TPH test should be made after 14 days to determine the level of activity. If within 28 days the contamination has not reached
the desired level, another application may be required.